St Clare's Catholic Church

St Clare's Catholic Church, Fagley, Bradford

Sacramental Preparation

for Children & Young People

Bishop Marcus has asked the Diocese of Leeds to adopt a new system of preparation for the Sacraments from this year forward.  Children who are in Year 3 are invited to make their First Reconciliation after a course of preparation, and then once in Year 4 are prepared for their First Holy Communion.  The Sacrament of Confirmation is administered in Year 6.  Courses of preparation for each of these Sacraments will be offered through the Parish.

Details of the courses and their requirements will be made known through the parish bulletin and through both parish schools. 

Please contact Louise Bland, the Parish Catechist on 07912 782157 or for more information.

It is expected that those wishing to receive First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and the Sacrament of Confirmation will attend Mass regularly along with their family.  It is also vital that families are engaged in the preparation of their child through prayerful and practical support.

Please see the Sunday Bulletin for details of upcoming preparation and Parent's Meetings.

preparation for the sacraments 2019-20

Fr Redmond and his Team of Catechists will publish details of the upcoming courses for Young People early in the new academic year.  Look out at Mass for details on the Parish Bulletin!